In My MIND (;

Mengenalmu adalah suatu anugerah.

Menyakitimu adalah suatu larangan.

Meninggalkanmu adalah suatu kebodohan.

Bertemu dgn kamu adalah Takdir.

Menjadi teman kamu adalah pilihan.

Bersahabat dgn kamu adalah Kesempatan.

Tetap menjadi teman baikmu adalah Kebahagiaan

15 April, 2012

Light Dinner — at Benton ;') Days with ...

This day will be a gloomy Saturday what a beautiful Saturday? 
There was someone who invited me to dinner ..
He is someone who always gave me advice ..
i give named "# Mr.R 'guh" hahahahahah: D
be happy .. he picked me up at eight-thirty
for the first time .. talk at length~
along the way ... Our unconscious has been too long in the car
because too many stories .. hihihi

okay, we aim to eat at the old market area ..
ngider-ngider after we'd want to eat his chicken satay,
 just not feeling so because the place is not so ... 
puter-puter cafe again ...hihih
get a place .. but uncomfortable to eat
so we decided to Lippo XD

It felt like to eat at the outdoor experience that I want to try,, 
it's just not accomplished .. but today was so accomplished thus \ (> u <) /
eeiittss .... I see ... Wahhh dominoo! > _ <
DAMN should want to eat it! Wahhh ...
his affection we have rolled again to find a way there ..
once again the wrong way, and for the second time ..
the food was already close at 22:00; '(
to grieve, and not in the mood I was troubled this person ..
I too was very well; "(
and again ... lost parking ticket,,, frantically searching for and so do not want to bother ..
 let him pay the fine ... and finally find it,, it was stuck ..
wah almost alone,, thought seemed, the day is very troublesome others ..
hihih maknyus =9
can't bear it .. hahahah xD .. But this is the funniest memories; DD

and it's already 11.we're still twirling the streets looking for food .. 
my dad  will be angry with me when I come home late ..
 I called and asked for permission for coming home late; ')

in the end we opted to eat outside .. we choose T'grill
a beautiful atmosphere of the night's lucky it didn't rain ;)

spaghetti aglio olio >_<
Bugger Crab =9
Our unique ordering food .. lol
for his first meal is a 
culinary tour of his xD
we share food asiknya sine shame .. this it .. 
and like the ads .. 

# R'guH 

was a very exciting for me,,
place in which to share ...
can be good as a friend, or brother of either or
as brothers who share ..
I learned a lot from him ..
is swapping stories of experience ..
laughter .. do .. stupidity that makes removing all the turmoil ..
hahahah ... he is a good ...
because it was so good people always sarcastic ..              hahaha*eyesglancedsharply
he's one person who can make me rise again will my past .. 
because he always gave me good advice and criticism and bad = P

Thank You For Your Advice Today FRIENDS =)